National Guard Militia Museum of New Jersey

Displayed below are images of flags belonging to military units raised in New Jersey which fought in the American Civil War. These include cavalry flags, volunteer regiments, as well as captured Confederate battle flags.

The New Jersey State Museum maintains a collection of over 190 flags. Several are on display at the museum. The flags change periodically, allowing visitors to experience new examples from the collection.

For more information about the flags, contact:
Nicholas Ciotola
Curator of Cultural History
New Jersey State Museum

The Department of Military and Veterans Affairs wishes to express our thanks to the following organizations and individuals for their contributions to this web page – the New Jersey State Museum, the New Jersey State Archives, and Dr. David Martin.

Note: CN – Collection Number

Stars and Stripes Designs
Unit Flags – Blue Rectangular Designs
Triangular Brigade Flag Designs
Battery Flag Designs
Miscellaneous Brigade Flag Designs
Organization Flag Designs
Miscellaneous Flag Designs
Captured Confederate Flags

American Civil War flag reference from an 1891 War Department Atlas

Union Stars-and-Stripes battle flag at a Civil War reenactment

Sergeant Alex Rogers with a heavily used Pennsylvania regimental flag

Dedication of the 13th New Jersey Regiment; several battle flags visible


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